Here's a list of our forms and disclosures. If you don't find what you need, please feel free to contact us.
- Language Assistance Plan Policy
- Simply MORE! Checking Details
- Simply REWARDing! Checking Details
- Text Banking Terms of Service
- Text Banking Privacy Policy
- Change of Address Form
- Mastercard® Check Card Fraud/Dispute Error Resolution Request
- Loan Payment Coupon
The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Department) evaluates our performance in meeting the financial services needs of this community, including the needs of low-income to moderate-income households. The Department takes this evaluation into account when deciding on certain applications submitted by us for approval by the Department. Your involvement is encouraged. You may obtain a copy of our evaluation once the Department completes our first evaluation. You may also submit signed, written comments about our performance in meeting community financial services needs to the Department. We will update this notice when our first evaluation has been issued.